Truth matters

Since last November’s election, we have been working diligently to gauge the shift in our country’s politics and understand the implications. It has not been easy. It reminds me of my first attempts at surfing many years ago off Ocean Beach. Choppy sets, short board...

Our work is cut out for us

Perhaps one of the greatest threats today is that truth seems absent in the popular imagination. It is difficult to envision a more poignant challenge to the Enlightenment’s gifts of rational inquiry and the ideals of life, liberty, and universal equality. Instead, we...

Post Election Update

Trump’s election is not an aberration, but is the result of many years of history. It is important to recognize the sentiments that elected him are born from perceptions and circumstances that were either manufactured for consumption or that actually exist. We can...

“This time is different…”

They say the four most dangerous words in investing are “this time is different.” The idea, of course, is that the sun will continue to rise and set, the seasons will change, the markets will rise and fall and we’ll continue to visit the grocery. Life isn’t clockwork,...

We can control our financial future

Well, here we are again – the government is shut down and we’re on the brink of hitting the debt ceiling limit, which would trigger a default on many trillions of dollars in Treasury obligations. (Talk about reputational risk!) It’s a good thing Jefferson, Madison,...

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